I just found a student lab full of eMacs in the basement of our building. I have no idea how its existence has managed to escape my attention.

Such a lovely sight in a world of PCs running Windows everywhere.

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3 thoughts on “find

  1. Alina

    Its funny..
    A year ago my dad bought a PC laptop (to be able to check how his website designs look on PC’s). We called that thingy Alien. And it really WAS an alien, lonely at our home, surrounded by 3 Macs..

  2. ghani

    I had a similar experience, Jill — my Uni has a huge “barn” with 500+ PCs, and suddenly this week, 5 eMacs crept into the center of it. It’s like a little oasis. The strange thing is, they’re not networked. Why wouldn’t you network a machine when it’s as simple as plugging it in?

  3. mjones

    It’s my considered opinion that all-PC environments are make-work projects for IT departments.

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