Something’s wrong with my CSS, so the title overlaps the text in Netscape browsers (thanks to the people who’ve alerted me to this!) I promise I’ll fix it but it won’t be for a few days – I have to finish this thesis chapter before I let myself do more blog tweaking. Blog tweaking is so much more immediately gratifying thank writing. You get instant results, and they’re usually just wrong enough that you need to do just a little bit more. It’s really, really, dangerous. Btw, I’ve put my main index template for this blog online because I wished I had more templates to look at when I was doing it. And the stylesheet‘s online too of course, and anyone who wants to steal, modify or whatever them is more than welcome. Obviously there are errors, like this netscape thing. I have documented it fairly thoroughly, though.

5 thoughts on “errors

  1. vika

    Oh, bless your heart. I may actually figure out now what’s wrong with my commenting feature — the comments links appear, but the comments don’t register. Perhaps then I’ll complete my own move to MT as well. 🙂

  2. Jill

    Well, heartened by that, Vika, here’s my template for individual entries too. And I think the error about comments is a classic, half my students have it – the one where you are getting comments but the post still says Comments (0) right?

    Christian found the solution to this in a discussion on the MoveableType forum. You need to make sure your templates are set to automatically update, and you might need to install something called Digest::MD5. I’ve found this doesn’t happen in the latest version but that might just be chance.

  3. vika

    Yes, that’s the error! I’ll check out the other links, thank you for them. I asked about this on the MT forum some time ago, but stopped checking for replies before I got any. Hooray.

  4. Web search resources center

    Thanks for great info

  5. Tronds HUIN 105 blogg

    HUIN102 og CSS
    Jeg tar HUIN102 dette semesteret, og dersom noen har (og har lyst til  selge/kvitte seg meg) f¯lgende b¯ker: G. Barnbrook: Language and Computers, 1996 S. Hockey: Electronic Texts in the Humanities, 2000 Claus Huitfelt: “Tekstkoding og tekststruktur” …

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