I just sent the PDF of my thesis to the copy shop. I’m hoping they can make me five copies tomorrow so I can take it up to the university tomorrow afternoon so I can enjoy the rest of the weekend before going to the university pedagogy course in Alver from Mon-Wed and then flying to MelbourneDAC on Thursday. Phew! I have no idea whether it’s good or bad at this point but there aren’t any more red notes to myself anyway, and thank goodness I chopped out that pretentious bit in the introduction. It starts off with David Still. Oh and I’m so sick of it I don’t even care if it’s so bad they laugh at me during the defense so long as I don’t have to write any more thesis. Of course if they fail it I’ll not be so happy. But I’ve seen some pretty lousy PhD theses, heck, if they passed, I will. The defense will be public, gruelling and several hours long, according to Norwegian traditions: you’re welcome to come but it won’t be for at least half a year.

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10 thoughts on “done

  1. Lisa

    Okay, now I can throw confetti….

    Congratulations on finishing….

  2. Gustav Holmberg

    Grattis! Bra jobbat! Fˆrsvaret kommer du klara galant. Har du nÂgon bra opponent?

  3. Jill

    Confetti! ooh! What a wonderful idea!

    And Gustav, the opponents (there’ll be two, at least one and probably both will be from outside of Norway) haven’t been organised yet, but the names I’ve heard suggested are great – it would be wonderful to have feedback on my work from people like that!

  4. ruth

    Grattis! Jeg bare M? f vite nÂr disputasen er. Er litt smÂspr¯ for tiden fordi jeg m ha prosjektbeskrivelsen ferdig innen 16.mai, men s skal jeg til Bergen p workshop om blogging. Synd at du er i Australia p den tiden. By the way, the Trondheim group has converted to movabletype.

  5. Henning


  6. Anja

    Yes, Jill, yes! Champagne! Silly hats!

  7. Jesper Juul

    Hmm. Only 5 months – 10 days to go for me. I was selfishly hoping that you and Lisbeth would still be working while I finished mine, but now I’m on my own 🙁

  8. Diane


  9. Frizzante

    Mer om sjangre
    Med Internett oppstÂr nye sjangre Tekster p Internett har en helt annen mulighet til  kommunisere interaktivt med leseren enn tradisjonelle medier, p grunn av blant annet hypertekstprinsippet. Men alle tekster egner seg ikke like godt i elektronisk …

  10. Frizzante

    Bloggy sunday
    Kommentar til Dans blogendringer Dans blogg har fÂtt et nytt ansikt, en ansiktsl¯ftning vil jeg kalle det. Nydelige, delikate farger

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