Eirik’s started displaying comments and trackbacks prominently, which is lovely! Monologic blogs (with no comments) are less interesting than the dialogic ones, he finds, and though I used to be a comment-skeptic, these days I agree with him. Eirik also shows the code he put in his MoveableType template so it’ll display comments. My code’s just the same except I added anchors so that when you click on the link to a comment on the front page, you go straight to that particular comment. Liz told me about that 😉

<MTComments lastn=”7″ sort_order=”descend”>
Re: <a href=”<$MTEntryLink$>#<$MTCommentID$>” target=”_blank” style=”font-size:11px;”><$MTEntryTitle$></a>
(<$MTCommentAuthor$>, <$MTCommentDate format=”%e/%m”$>)<br>

8 thoughts on “displaying comments

  1. andrew stern

    thanks Jill et al, we were looking for some easy code to implement this on grandtextauto!

  2. torill

    As one who does not have comments on the blog, I think it’s all a matter of what you want with the blog. While I enjoy the feedback my blog creates, I still blog for myself. “More interesting” isn’t really an argument for getting comments, I am waiting for “useful”. This is why blogonblog used to have comments, back when blogback had the first experiments with them. They were useful. I’ll survive being less interesting.

  3. andrew stern

    by the way, a technical note, for this to really work properly, I think you need to add bookmark anchors for each comment in your Individual Entry Archive, eg,

    <a name=”>$MTCommentID$>”></a>

    Otherwise, clicking on a recent comment link won’t actually scroll you down to the comment itself.

    So inside my Individual Entry Archive template, I changed the <MTComments> section to be:

    <div class=”comments-body”>
    <a name=”<$MTCommentID$>”></a>
    <span class=”comments-post”>Posted by: <$MTCommentAuthorLink spam_protect=”1″$> at <$MTCommentDate$></span>

  4. Jill

    Thanks, Andrew – I forgot about the anchors at the receiving end!

  5. John Robert Wheeler

    what is IKT

  6. Jill

    IKT is the Norwegian acronym for ICT: Information and Communication Technologies.

    It might mean other things as well?

  7. Jack

    That’s good idea.

  8. Timothy

    Thanx for the code to go straight to a particular comment. I’m using it now.

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