I spent so much time hoping Kerry would win that I forgot to consider what the world would be like with four more years of Bush. Really, I mean. Our politicians are saying general things about how they hope Bush in a second term, if he is found to have won, will participate in the international community. I’m not holding my breath.

Francis refused to post a Swedish word for the day yesterday. I think that’s the first time. His readers suggested att hoppa, which doesn’t mean to hop as it does in Norwegian, but to hope. Francis, it seems, was more prescient than they.

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13 thoughts on “disappointment

  1. francis s.

    I hate that it seems to be true. I feel kicked in the stomach.

  2. lisa

    We are so disappointed in the outcome.

  3. Anthony

    Can Norway handle some tired, poor, huddled masses from the United States of BushCo? Plenty of folks here disappointed with the results this morning.

  4. Jill

    I’ve heard quite a few people say they want to emigrate. But will you REALLY? I mean, easy to say it, but…?

    Of course, while Norway may be saner, we’re pretty seriously affected by whatever goes down in the US too.

  5. Elin

    I think now is the time for Americans to stay and fight, not flee. This wasn’t an easy win, yet at no time have we seen Bush spend any reasonable time “reflecting” on why the margins he stole were so small. Don’t make this easy for Bush – the US is split about who should lead this country. Make sure that Bush feels this for the next 4 years.

    Anyway, I am more disappointed in Kerry. How can a real leader possibly concede, sending the message that your vote doesn’t matter – it doesn’t need to be counted. It is not about wishful thinking: this is about making SURE that those who voted was heard, no matter the result. When it counted, Kerry didn’t stay and fight. Does this means that the Americans are better off with Bush? You have to wonder.

  6. Anthony

    We get only one life. Creative flexibility in assessing quality of life and the factors that influence it is a good thing! 🙂

  7. EDR

    Thanks for the link to Francis’ website. I, too, have been struggling with Swedish, though I admit that I don’t have and haven’t devoted the time needed to become fluent in it. Were we living in Gavle more, rather than Chicago, perhaps I’d be further along in my studies. In any case, Ira and I have always said we’re keeping our options open when it comes to teaching jobs. With 4 more years of Bush & Co. in store, I gotta say that Sweden is looking better and better.

  8. Jill

    Oh, Eric, I should have forwarded you the link to Francis’s blog ages ago – it’s one of my favourites and perfect for you…

    Of course, I think all my friends should move to Scandinavia. Except – hang on – then I wouldn’t have as many excuses to travel!

  9. well for what it was worth

    I took my last remaining annual leave and manned a hotline for voting problems for 16 hours yesterday (6 am to 9 pm). We logged a lot of calls, including:
    An election machine that spit out the wrong name on the summary page–which according to the State Election Commission “just couldn’t happen, so the guy must have been lying”

    4 reports of “John from the Union calling to remind you to vote for Kerry tomorrow”

    Reports of flyers with Vote for Kerry–and the wrong precinct to go to in poor black communities

    And, my favorite, a voting judge who wouldn’t allow provisional ballots because “I believe that the machines couldn’t lie, and people shouldn’t vote with paper.”

    See https://voteprotect.org/?jsc=1 for details of these and other atrocities across the U.S. Please spread the word.

  10. Norman

    I’ve just spent 30 minutes listening to the [Australian] A.B.C., with the chattering classes in full flight. Not one person who was put to air expressed anything other than horror over the foolishness of voters who were not “intelligent” enough to agree with their hatreds of Howard and Bush. Most showed they had virtually no rael understanding of the U.S. scene or its voting systems; but that didn’t matter — they “knew” they were fighting for Light and Good against The Forces of Darkness, so who needed to know anything more than they were right, the majority wrong?
    From a parochial Australian perspective, I suspect Kerry would have been more likely than Bush to ask for more of our troops to help him ramp up hostilities in Iraq. It’s amazing how many actually believe Kerry was the man for conciliation in Iraq.
    On another international issue, Palestine, I believe Kerry would have distanced the U.S.A. from Bush’s [admittedly timid] moves towards trying to face up to the realities of that Arab/Israeli dispute — a dispute which underlies to a very significant degree most of the problems facing the world in the Middle East.
    But what does any of this matter. It’s our emotional sensitivities which count most with political questions?

  11. Jill

    I certainly didn’t agree with everything Kerry stands for. But Bush is so much worse. Listening to radio talk show’s can be pretty aggrevating, though.

    As for the possibilities of voting fraud – it does seem ludicrous to use electronic, non-recountable voting machines, but even if there were issues of fraud – the popular vote gave Bush 3 million more votes than Kerry. Surely that’s too much for plain fraud?

  12. achilleas

    Also dissapointed. It is bloody scary to realise that there are so many people in the U.S. that vote (and think) beyond reason. The intelligent in the states should now find ways to constantly and publically illustrate the obvious.

  13. Eirik

    As for the fraud thing – let’s just see how it goes the coming months. There are all kinds of weir reports coming in, and we know how long it took for some of the reports from Florida in ’00 to receive widespread attention. Me, I’m not in the least surprised by the result after having seen “Outfoxed”.

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