I’m showing students in our student research course DIKULT207: Digital Humanities in Practice: Project Work on Developing a Scholarly Database of Electronic Literature how to use Gephi to visualise data from the ELMCIP database this morning, and I realised we hadn’t put the actual data files online. Right now there’s no very easy way to directly export the data from the Knowledge Base, so these are files we’ve tidied up from a dump Scott did a couple of months ago. The same information is available in the Knowledge Base itself, this is just a different format that can be opened up in Gephi. I’ll add more files as we get them.

If you do anything interesting with any of this, please let us know!!

  • This is a file that contains authors and conferences as nodes (so it’s a bipartite network with two types of node) and if an author presented a work (creative or critical) at a conference we’ve shown that as an edge or a connection. The file is ready to be opened up in Gephi.


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