Cyberworlds 2005 is to be held in Singapore in late November 2005, with abstracts due on May 16. I’m spending next Christmas in Perth with my family (yay!), and Singapore’s en route to Perth, but I guess late November’s a little early to be leaving Bergen… And my research isn’t on cyberworlds, though actually their definition of “cyberworld” is loose enough I suppose maybe it is: “Cyberworlds are information worlds created on cyberspaces either intentionally or spontaneously, with or without visual design. Cyberworlds are closely related to the real world and have a serious impact on it.” [Update: I just realised this is next year’s version of the conference Lisbeth just went to in Tokyo – beware!]

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2 thoughts on “cyberworlds 2005 CFP

  1. Sara Brinch

    Thanks for sharing this information! The Cyberwolds 2005 seems to be THE conference I should attend next year. If anyone reading this is considering a trip to Singapore in November, I would really like to know about it.

  2. Jill

    Careful, Sara, make sure you read Lisbeth’s comments about the 2004 version of the conference – apparently it’s far from humanistic – look, here’s a photo she posted of a typical slide from a conference presentation, from her fotolog post about her Tokyo trip. And her caption to the photo was “Conference content. Sigh.”

    I agree, the conference looked really cool until I realised it was the same one Lisbeth had thought looked really cool until she saw the titles of the other presentations.

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