I don’t know how to teach colours. I mean, I know: complementary colours, contrasts, colour circles, additative, subtractive, but it just seems either so obvious or so abstract to me. Thank goodness I found a wonderful tutorial for colours which is perfect for students to work through individually. I’m going to spend my effort teaching stuff I enjoy teaching, and that I teach well, and let them do this on their own. Poynter.org: Color, Contrast & Dimension in News Design. Good for web design too. Includes lots of “try this” examples where you click for different colours, and also has facts and “think about this” exercises. Thanks to Anders Fagerjord’s also excellent web design course for linking to this.
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Karl Ove Hufthammer
I recommend these online colour selection tools:
They make it very easy to choose matching (and attractive) colours.
Christian's kursleder weblog
Jill Walker, hun som er Dr.Blogg og sjefen min har laget en liten bloggpost om fargelÊre. Du finner her en super link til en kjempefancy flash side som snakker endel om farger….