Collaborative photo projects for people who like excuses to look differently at things:

  • Implementation
  • Ghani’s International Ticket Project. Ghani’s creating a design for a new interface for London’s automatic ticket machines and is asking for photos of such machines from around the world.
  • I remember a wonderfully organised site of road signs from around the world – I can’t find it, but there are heaps of others, and several probably accept submissions.

Any others?

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8 thoughts on “collective documentation

  1. torill

    look at this:
    The Mirror project: pictures of the photographers in reflective surfaces.

  2. Jill

    Oh yes! I’d forgotten about The Mirror Project. Last time I saw it was before I had a digital camera and somehow it seems far more interesting now 🙂

  3. Solveig

    What about the Degree Confluence Project?:

    “The goal of the project is to visit each of the latitude and longitude integer degree intersections in the world, and to take pictures at each location”.

  4. Jill

    Now I should have remembered that, shouldn’t I?


    Thanks, Solveig!

  5. Tim Wright

    Check out

  6. Jill

    Thanks Tim – aw… poor dogs…

  7. ghani

    Here’s a new one: Other people’s grocery lists. I’m glad to see that i’m not the only one collecting completely random information

  8. cris bevir

    found your blog via a (v.complimentary) post by deena larsen on the trace forum, and been enjoying browsing around.

    working on a collective documentation project at the moment so great to come across this stuff – thank you 🙂

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