I have ten more days till my book on blogging for Polity Press has to be finished. Scott suggested I might be interested in the ways Burmese bloggers are spreading news of the current protests, despite the Burmese regime having shut off access to the Internet. Scott showed me this CNN story tells us about Ko Htike, a Burmese student in London who is posting images and messages sent from mobile phones in Burma. There are really disturbing photographs and stories there. Tama Leaver, who’s been giving me really useful feedback on my drafts while I’ve been in Perth, just posted a roundup of various ways citizen media is dealing with the Burmese crisis, from YouTube, Facebook and the Wikipedia through blogs and other arenas. A very useful overview.
And I think my citizen media chapter will indeed include a couple of examples from Burma.
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Line Hauge St¯yva
Hi Jill! Are you aware of the International Bloggers’ Day for Burma on the 4th of October? So far 1309 bloggers have signed up. You’ll find more information about the initiative as well as blogs about Burma here: http://www2.free-burma.org/index.php
Regards Line Hauge St¯yva (Utdanningsavdelingen, UiB)