The New York Times writes that girls are far more likely to be creating content for the web than boys:

Indeed, a study published in December by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that among Web users ages 12 to 17, significantly more girls than boys blog (35 percent of girls compared with 20 percent of boys) and create or work on their own Web pages (32 percent of girls compared with 22 percent of boys).

Girls also eclipse boys when it comes to building or working on Web sites for other people and creating profiles on social networking sites (70 percent of girls 15 to 17 have one, versus 57 percent of boys 15 to 17). Video posting was the sole area in which boys outdid girls: boys are almost twice as likely as girls to post video files.

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8 thoughts on “boys less likely to blog or create websites

  1. Helge Tenn¯

    Tom Peters references a source in one of his talks saying “Men want tables and rankings, women want narratives”.

    Jeffrey Cole at USC Annenberg School Center for the digial future says that the Social “infusion” finally gives the web the layers of human interaction (socialness) we have always known it will bring.

    And I personally can’t wait to see what this web will become as soon as the new creators of the web turns it into something we want rather than something technology can do. :o)

  2. […] Via jill/txt, girls apparently blog more than boys. A potentially interesting link to follow through on for teaching, but since my BAWS project specifically skips the under 18 year old crowd, not so much for my research. […]

  3. Liz Lawley

    Mary Hodder pointed out that they put that article in the *Fashion* section.


  4. […] Vad beror det p?•? I Media Culpas senaste unders??kning av svenska bloggare och bloggl?§sare dominerar unga kvinnor, ?§ven om kvinnor och m?§n har f??ruts?§gbart stereotypa bloggintressen. Via Jill Walker, som med sin norska bas inte kan f??rst?§rka det svenska damlaget, ser jag att 12‚Äì17-?•riga flickor tydligen ligger steget f??re pojkar i samma ?•lder p?• att skapa webbinneh?•ll. Det kanske ?§r som alltid med j?§mst?§lldheten: Det l??ser sig sj?§lvmant med n?§sta generation. […]

  5. Cutter

    The fashion section?

  6. BradyDale

    When it comes to actually DOING anything, I always tend to go to women first. Sorr if my bltoehre
    feel like i’m letting them down here.

    I first started blogging because a girl suggested it and she was already doing it,
    then it took me a very, very long time to get serious about it.

    Meanwhile, I’ve started writing for, which is a very
    ambitious site and it was two Seniors at Harvard who got it off the ground and have
    just been doing bang-up work since.

  7. Koenraad

    Well, the pope (a boy despite his long dresses) just launched a website and sent his first tweet…

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