[Kathleen’s post on this session is much better than mine…]
Adolfo Estallela – blogs from communicative to connective artefacts
Web 1.0: Social bounded situations. Social interactions were held through text and images. Technology was just a context. E.g. chat. Web 2.0 different: can’t understand this if we continue to distinguish between content and channel, medium and message. (Is this really the case? Aren’t medium and message always blended? Perhaps I misunderstood him – “infrastructure does for you the work of social connections” (??)
(See full paper (rtf))
Jan Schmidt: information-, identiy- and relationship management.
There’s a book on the registration table by Schmidt that looks interesting but it’s in German and I can’t really read German… If you can you might want to find it, it’s called Weblogs: Eine kommunikationssoziologische Studie. (Sorry, that’s all the liveblogging I can offer…)
Oh. Now we’re supposed to do sort of open technology conference talks while wandering aroudn the room looking at posters. I wonder how this’ll work.
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Adolfo Estalella
Hi Jill. Technorati makes sometimes easier to interact through the computer than face to face.
You are right. The medium and message are always blended, my point is than social and cultural studies on virtual communities have adopted for many time a theoretical framework that distinguishes between one and the other. It has worked with chats, MUDS, etc. in the case of blogs and social software it is not possibble to maintain that approach.
Ops, the last sentence is: “Infrastructure does for you the work of establishing social interactions”.