My friend Birthe Taraldset recently started blogging at Birthes mening. Birthe is a lawyer who’s done important work on whistle-blowing, was on the recent government committee to suggest legislation on computer-based crime, and is an active debater in the Norwegian media. She recently took up a position as a teacher and researcher at the University of Bergen’s Faculty of Law, and has also become active in politics again, in Bergen H¯yre. Birthe and I disagree on many things, and I imagine we’ve never, ever voted for the same political party, but we’ve been friends for nearly twenty years, and I have great respect for her enthusiastic joy of living life to the fullest, and her determination and success at what she does. I’m really enjoying reading her blog, and am thrilled to see more Norwegian academics and politicians (she’s both!) exploring blogging. Go Birthe!

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2 thoughts on “birthes mening

  1. Birthe

    It took some time before I discovered your evaluation of my very early steps into the blogging world…But I sincerely thank you for your encouraging words… Maybe we are not as different in our opinions after all… I call myself a radical conservative.. Change is needed to preserve what’s really valuable in the world. Tell me when we can have luch and an interesting conversation 🙂


  2. Mum

    Bergens Tidende reported today that Birthe was successful in the recent communal elections.
    Please pass on my congrats when you guys get together for that lunch!

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