Whoops. A psuedonymous blogger complained about a friend who’d lived off welfare while the blogger had paid taxes, and the friend found the blog entry and told the real story in a comment to the original post – yesterday the blogger admitted having exaggerated a lot in order to make the story better. There’s a cautionary tale about telling tales on blogs about friends and acquaintances – and also a warning not to believe stories about “friends” that handily confirm all the prejudices about lazy single mums/immigrants living off welfare.
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The first of those links is a File Not Found — the blogger must’ve been too shamed by what happened to keep the original post up.
Oh how I would love to read Norwegian! Someday maybe I’ll just, I don ‘t know, MOVE there. Only to learn the language, of course. Nothing else. 🙂
It says in the comments of the second post, that after ‘a while’ they (the poster and her friend) agreed that it would be best to take the post down.
For me, posting not anonymeously / psuedonymously has saved me from witing about friends, people from forum I frequent and co-workers. Not that I would have written anything bad about them, or exaggerated (too much). 🙂
It’s an easy google cache search. It was a horrid, horrid post – I felt sick reading it:-(
I agree, Elin, it was a really horrid post. I’m so glad it was shown up as false – it makes you wonder about howpeople can exaggerate knowingly and still believe in their prejudices…
Another matter is how the friend who’d been written about found the post in the first place, given it was a pseudonymous blog. Ah well.