I’m home from ISEA, I’ve sent my daughter to school, my teaching starts on Wednesday: semester’s starting again. I’m going to spend an hour or two planning my autumn. There are a lot of things I want to do but I’m going to have to pick and choose because I refuse to work round the clock or be laden with guilt. This semester I’m going to be efficient.

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5 thoughts on “autumn resolutions

  1. bicyclemark

    Maybe your determination will private some inspiration for others out there who are also seeking to get some things done this semester.

  2. George

    It seems that everyone is starting their new semester. I hope you’ll consider joining us at http://www.palimpsest.info.

  3. torill

    You are always efficient. 🙂

  4. Greg

    Hey, Miss Efficient, could you send me your email address, because it is cunningly hard to find?! Then ISEA photos will be forthcoming.

  5. Jill

    Well, thanks for your confidence, Torill, but everyone else sure looks more efficient than me from here… I guess that’s just the “I’m a phony, they’ll find me out” syndrome though, if I look efficient from outside. Thanks for the reminder 🙂

    Greg, email coming; George, Palimpsest rocks; Mark, go PhD!

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