All the books our University Library bought for Digital Culture in 2011
Our research librarian just sent a list of all the books the University Library bought for Digital Culture in 2011. There are 97 books on the list, which says something about how fast this field is growing, and browsing the titles I really wish I had time to read them all. Sorry about the plain text and truncated titles – if you’re interested you’ll easily find more info about the books at your library or bookstore. I <3 our library!
Most of these books are new, some are older, and of course we already had a lot of books before 2011. Leave a comment if you see glaring omissions and I’ll suggest the library buy those books as well.
- Peer-to-Peer video : the economics, policy, and culture of
- Ethnographies of the videogame : gender,/ Thornham, Helen
- Computer-Mediated Communication for Ling/ Bodomo, Adams B.
- SpecLab : digital aesthetics and project/ Drucker, Johanna
- Remixthebook / Amerika, Mark
- Games and gaming : an introduction to ne/ Hjorth, Larissa
- How to do things with videogames / Bogost, Ian
- The Reconstruction of space and time : mobile communicatio
- The Digital condition : class and cultur/ Wilkie, Rob
- Hello Avatar : rise of the networked gen/ Coleman, B.
- Programmed visions : software and memory/ Chun, Wendy Hui
- The digital origins of dictatorship and / Howard, Philip N
- Uncreative writing : managing language i/ Goldsmith, Kenne
- Digital Media : Technological and Social Challenges of the
- Context providers : conditions of meaning in media arts
- Race after the internet
- Digital folklore : to computer users, with love and respec
- @ is for activism : dissent, resistance / Hands, Joss
- Against expression : an anthology of conceptual writing
- Cybernetic revolutionaries : technology / Medina, Eden
- Reading Machines : Toward and Algorithmi/ Ramsay, Stephen
- Online gaming in context : the social and cultural signifi
- The new digital storytelling : creating / Alexander, Bryan
- Text and Genre in Reconstruction : Effects of Digitalizati
- Cyber_reader : critical writings for the digital era
- Gender-Technology Relations : Exploring / Corneliussen, Hi
- Networks Without a Cause : A Critique of/ Lovink, Geert
- Mobile interface theory : embodied space/ Farman, Jason
- Between Page and Screen : Remaking Liter/ Wurth, Kiene Bri
- Understanding Digital Humanities / Berry, David M.
- Gender and sexuality in online game cult/ Sundén, Jenny
- Digital storytelling : capturing lives, / Lambert, Joe
- Memory bytes : history, technology, and digital culture
- New Directions in Digital Poetry : Poetr/ Funkhouser, C. T
- Hypertext and the Female Imaginary / Odin, Janishree
- The Virtual representation of the past
- The Principles of Beautiful Web Design / Beaird, Jason
- Artistic bedfellows : histories, theories, and conversatio
- Legend-Tripping Online Supernatural Folk/ Kinsella, Michae
- A Networked self : identity, community, and culture on soc
- Understanding video games : the essentia/ Egenfeldt-Nielse
- Cybertext poetics : the critical landsca/ Eskelinen, Markk
- Throughout : Art and Culture Emerging with Ubiquitous Comp
- Aesthetics : a comprehensive anthology
- human readable messages / Breeze, Mez
- Collaborative Research in the Digital Humanities
- Leet Noobs : The Life and Death of an Ex/ Chen, Mark
- Det mørke nettet / Strømmen, Øyvind
- Interface criticism : aesthetics beyond buttons
- New Media art
- Art of the digital age / Wands, Bruce
- Collaborative circles : friendship dynam/ Farrell, Michael
- Internet and surveillance : the challenges of Web 2.0 and
- Hyperworks : on digital literature and c/ Gunder, Anna
- The fundamentals of digital art / Colson, Richard
- The Ethics of emerging media : information, social norms,
- Technology, literature and culture / Goody, Alex
- Gaming matters : art, science, magic, an/ Ruggill, Judd Et
- Art practice in a digital culture
- Literatures in the digital era : theory and praxis
- Divining a digital future : mess and myt/ Dourish, Paul
- Media archaeology : approaches, applications, and implicat
- Mobile communication : bringing us together and tearing us
- The Handbook of science and technology studies
- The Video game theory reader. 2
- The secret war between downloading and u/ Lunenfeld, Peter
- The American literature scholar in the digital age
- The Aesthetics of net literature : writing, reading and pl
- Digital art and meaning : reading kineti/ Simanowski, Robe
- Beyond Barbie and Mortal Kombat : new perspectives on gend
- Alone together : why we expect more from/ Turkle, Sherry
- Beyond the screen : transformations of literary structures
- Digital poetics : the making of e-poetri/ Glazier, Loss Pe
- Code/space : software and everyday life / Kitchin, Rob
- Digital content creation : perceptions, practices, and per
- Castells and the media : theory and medi/ Howard, Philip N
- Local transcendence : essays on postmode/ Liu, Alan
- Premediation : affect and mediality afte/ Grusin, Richard
- Net locality : why location matters in a/ Gordon, Eric
- Cognitive surplus : creativity and gener/ Shirky, Clay
- Making is connecting : the social meanin/ Gauntlett, David
- Tales from Facebook / Miller, Daniel,
- Digital cultures / Doueihi, Milad
- Digital planet : tomorrows’s technology / Beekman, George
- The philosophy of software : code and me/ Berry, David M.
- A Networked self : identity, community, and culture on soc
- A small world : smart houses and the dre/ Heckman, Davin
- Switching codes : thinking through digital technology in t
- Regards croisés : perspectives on digital literature
- Post-cinematic affect / Shaviro, Steven
- The Handbook of internet studies
- Handbook of research on effective electronic gaming in edu
- Archivierung von digitaler Literatur : Probleme-Tendenzen-
- Teaching narrative theory
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Ilze Borodkina Lūk grāmatu sarakstiņš, kuru es gribētu pielīmēt pie sava grāmatplaukta ar virsrakstu "Šeit atrodamas".
Andy Coverdale
Digital Culture book list 2011 (@jilltxt)
Pierre Mounier
All the books our University Library bought for Digital Culture in 2011 | jill/txt #veille
can’t see: on there…might want to make it a 2012 purchase consideration?
Hey, thanks Mez, for the tip! Actually it’s already been ordered, but hasn’t arrived yet 🙂
fantastic, jill. hope it’s worthwhile.