Back at the office and my to-do list is full of administrative tasks and preparation for a new semester instead of writing. I got an extension on the DAC paper though, cos I needed some library books to finish it. Tomorrow. More.

Beautiful weather today.

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2 thoughts on “administration again

  1. noah

    You can tell something’s changed, when all the resources we need for writing new papers are usually already on our bookshelves, in our files, or available online. Though, that said, I might have needed an extension myself if I couldn’t have borrowed a particular book from a friend at the near-last minute.

  2. Jill

    Yeah, you’re right. Using my university library’s proxy server, I could get almost everything I needed – except some books about the history of self-portraiture with lots of good reproductions so I could see what they were talking about. I hope more books are online soon.

    And it would suck to write a paper without access to a university library’s proxy server.

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