I feel myself sinking into that inward nestingness that happens when you’re expecting a baby. Twitter holds less fascination for me, and I forget to blog or read blogs for weeks at a time (except for my “life, not research” category in Google Reader…) But the baby won’t actually come until early February, and I’m still at work until mid-January. A few things do catch my attention. Like Regine Stokke’s blog, which had me wiping away tears. She wrote in Norwegian, but Google translates it reasonably well. Regine was an eighteen year old Norwegian girls who died of cancer last week and had blogged about her illness for the last year. (I’m pretty sure this is real, unlike the Kaycee Nicole case). Or, on a completely different note, June Breivik’s post about privacy and school students (also in Norwegian/Google translated to English), which is an issue I’ve been far more aware of after reading Cory Doctorow’s Little Brother. June Breivik is the project leader of “Digital School” for our region in Norway, and links to a great website about privacy in schools, Personvernskolen (translated). I’m so glad this is actually being discussed – finally!

And then there’s this graphic of how big the internet is. I’m sure some will use this to fuss about how much bad quality nonsense there is on the internet. But I think I might use it anyway, in presentations or teaching somewhere.
A Day in the Internet
Created by OnlineEducation.net

2 thoughts on “a few things seep through into my preggo-brain

  1. Omer Rosenbaum

    700,000 join Facebook every day? Cannot be.

  2. Stoooore Internett! | Tanz

    […] Takk til jill/txt […]

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