I’m in Korea at the Association of Internet Researchers’ annual conference, and having a great time. I bought a selfie stick in Seoul and the Twitter hashtag is hopping and I’m loving having the chance to talk face to face with all these fascinating people doing fascinating research on the internet, which fascinates me.

The selfie pedagogy workshop today was FABULOUS and if you teach and have the slightest interest in using selfies in your teaching, you should really take a look at the wonderful assignment ideas the participants came up with today. I would recommend reading while watching the video of the groups presenting the assignments. The presentations of the assignments begins at 59:40 minutes into this stream and take about 25 mins total. The verbal presentations captured on the video really add to the way you’ll be able to understand the ideas behind the assignments, and were all very well thought out beyond the words that the groups had time to write down.

The topics the participants chose were selfies and 1) friendship, 2) policing and norms, 3) political economy of selfies, 4) technology, access and connectivity, 5) historicizing the selfie and 6) representing gender fluidity. Do feel free to use or build upon any of these assignments. Thank you so much to everyone who was involved, online and offline!

Oh, and before we got to making new assignments, the participants did Alice’s celebrity selfie assignment, with some wonderful results! Here are a couple of my favourites.




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1 Comment

  1. Flourish Klink

    Say hi to everyone at the AoIR for me! They were such an invaluable resource when I was in academia. 🙂

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