Month: September 2005

head of department, day 242

Phew. Got the course previews (studieplaner) for next semester all sorted out, I think, and voted through in the department meeting yesterday. I’m becoming proficient, I think. I knew the answers to all sorts of things. “If you label that a compulsory […]

armed dolphins heading your way

This has got to be a hoax, right? Armed dolphins, trained to shoot terrorist divers, have gone AWOL after Katrina. It’s in The Guardian, not The Onion. Possibly I slipped into a parallel universe or something, though.

patterns of questing

So far, the quests I’ve done in World of Warcraft have all been of the following types: Either explore, in one of these ways: Find a person (report to a person, deliver an object to a person, bring me an object from […]

does iTunes have to respect angrefristloven?

It had to happen sooner or later: I got carried away on iTunes and bought a whole album that I thought I used to own on LP, but five minutes later I realised I own it on CD as well and had […]

had it

That’s it. I realise you may have a legitimate reason for writing the word “holdem” in a comment to your blog, but if you do, sorry, that comment’s going to be instantly deleted. I’ve had it with the texas holdem blog comment […]

what my character could buy for 100 gold

The current exchange rate on Runetotem, the server I’ve mostly been playing World of Warcraft on, is 100 gold coins for US$11.10. Rates vary quite a lot from server to server, and gold on US servers seems to be systematically cheaper than […]

paper accepted!

Yay! My paper for DAC was accepted! One reviewer loved it, the other was much less enthusiastic but had some really useful comments about bits of the stuff I’m doing that I’m uh, still working on attaining expertise in. Lacan, actually, see, […]

gender balance

Wow. People have, of course, muttered about this for years (we certainly did and not much has changed in the ten years since I was a student), but it’s the first time I’ve seen it publicly debated. The students at comparative literature, […]

me, former prime minister of denmark

ZoomInfo collects information on people online. It worked out, correctly, that I teach at the Dept of Humanistic Informatics. It also hilariously surmises that my past work experience includes being Prime Minister of Denmark. How it figured that out? Well, from an […]


This is a really disheartening story by two people who were attending a conference in New Orleans when Katrina struck. It’s hard to believe it’s really this bad, you know, even with all the first-hand stories it just seems unfathomable. I wonder […]