Month: July 2007

persuasion and cheating in video games

Ian Bogost and Mia Consalvo have new books out that look at games from interesting angles. Ian’s book, which is literally just published, is called Persuasive Games: The Expressive Power of Videogames, and looks at “the way videogames mount arguments and influence […]

summer nectarine cakes

One of the beauties of subscribing to Australian cooking magazines while living in Norway is that you get those extra months of anticipation and longing, waiting for the ingredients to be in season. This recipe for Summer Nectarine Cakes was in the […]

Electronic Literature Conference 2008

The Electronic Literature Organization‘s symposium ELO2007 this May was a great event, with lots of enthusiastic e-literature writers, critics and readers, and a lot of promise for the future. While we were there, Dene Grigar spoke eagerly of her plans for the […]

Norske politikerblogger

[This is a list of Norwegian members of parliament who have blogs.] Jeg vil pr¯ve  samle en liste over norske politikerblogger her – da mener jeg ikke blogger som skriver en del om politikk (som f.eks. Vampus eller Dagens onde kvinner), […]

your laptop is legally an extension of your mind?

Kristine Lowe links to this Wired story about a case where US border security searched the computer of a US citizen coming from from abroad, and found illegal material on his laptop. The court found that searching the laptop was illegal and […]

how to explain social networking sites really simply

A great example of how to explain something that can be kind of elusive in very simple terms: Social networking sites in one minute forty-five seconds: Found via the Public Speaking Blog’s post on “How To Create A Technical Presentation That Makes […]

what the iphone can’t do

Jon Lech Johansen, better known as DVD-Jon (remember, the sixteen-year-old who cracked the DRM on DVDs so you can play them on your Linux computer, and he was sued by Hollywood but Norwegian courts found in his favour – you buy a […]

links for 2007-07-03

TeresaCentric ª Robert Scoble Lets Everyone Be His Facebook Friend, Why I Think He’s Silly “A new user on the network adds value for all the users because his presence makes his friends more likely to update their profiles more frequently.” (tags: […]

links for 2007-07-01 LonelyGirl15 gives Neutrogena some face time On how the web video serial LonelyGirl15 is starting to use branding as a way of making money. (tags: monetize advertising lonelygirl15) The world map of social networks – Valleywag [Data Junkie] Wonderful map showing […]