social media

Zombies, Corpses and Fetuses: my talk at #IR16

Did you see Eric Pickersgill’s photo series Removed last week, showing people staring at their phones – except the phones had been removed from the image? The photos really hit a cultural nerve and were very widely shared. They play to the image of […]

social media

To look into a refugee’s eyes

Social media give us access to other peoples’ realities. If we want to look. (A slightly different version of this piece was published yesterday in Norwegian in Bergens Tidende, where I write a column every fifth Sunday.) Over the last few weeks my […]

How do Syrian refugees use social media and technology?

Does anyone know of research on or other writings about the use of social media and other technology by Syrian refugees? It’s clear many refugees are using their smartphones and social media to survive, communicate and plan their journey. This article from the […]

social media Teaching

The #IR15 Selfie Pedagogy Workshop

I’m in Korea at the Association of Internet Researchers’ annual conference, and having a great time. I bought a selfie stick in Seoul and the Twitter hashtag is hopping and I’m loving having the chance to talk face to face with all […]

Blogging social media Visualise me

Talk at MIT on Monday May 5

On Monday at 5:30 (in room 14E-310) I’m giving a talk at MIT’s Purple Blurb series, kindly hosted by Nick Montfort. This will be an extra fun challenge because Purple Blurb focusses on art and practice, so I’m going to be talking about how […]